13 November 2012

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Free Download Introduction to Scientific Research Projects e-book PDF
Introduction to Scientific Research Projects is a concise introduction to the undergraduate scientific research project. It is primarily aimed at undergraduate students reading medicine, nursing and midwifery and subjects allied to health such as Biomedical Science who will be expected to undertake some kind of research project as part of their degree. Exploring the different types of projects, and individual components of dissemination (poster, oral, viva, and thesis), by using tips, example boxes, and analogies, it makes an easy and enjoyable read for both students and supervisors alike.

Dr Graham Basten is Associate Head of the School of Allied Health Sciences at De Montfort University (UK). He holds a PhD from the UK government’s Institute of Food Research and has researched and lectured extensively over the past 10 years on clinical biochemistry, nutrition and folate at the Universities of Sheffield and Nottingham (UK). He is a De Montfort University Teacher Fellow and has been nominated for the Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award. As a senior lecturer in Clinical Chemistry, and as leader of the undergraduate Projects module, this expertise and experience is transferred to the concise introductory textbooks written for Book Boon.
Select research publications
1. Blood folate status and expression of proteins involved in immune function, inflammation, and coagulation: biochemical and proteomic changes in the plasma of humans in response to long-term synthetic folic acid supplementation. Duthie SJ, Horgan G, de Roos B, Rucklidge G, Reid M, Duncan G, Pirie L, Basten GP, Powers HJ. J Proteome Res. 2010 Apr 5;9(4):1941-50
2. Sensitivity of markers of DNA stability and DNA repair activity to folate supplementation in healthy volunteers. Basten GP, Duthie SJ, Pirie L, Vaughan N, Hill MH, Powers HJ. Br J Cancer. 2006 Jun 19;94(12):1942-7. Epub 2006 May 30
3. Associations between two common variants C677T and A1298C in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene and measures of folate metabolism and DNA stability (strand breaks, misincorporated uracil, and DNA methylation status) in human lymphocytes in vivo. Narayanan S, McConnell J, Little J, Sharp L, Piyathilake CJ, Powers H, Basten G, Duthie SJ. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2004 Sep;13(9):1436-43
4. Effect of folic Acid supplementation on the folate status of buccal mucosa and lymphocytes. Basten GP, Hill MH, Duthie SJ, Powers HJ. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2004 Jul;13(7):1244-9


Introduction to Scientific Research Projects
1. What is an undergraduate scientific research project?
1.1 How is it different to other types of assessment?
1.2 How is different to other types of research projects?
1.3 What types of research projects are there?
1.4 What project will best fit my personality?
1.5 What will I be expected to do and learn?
1.5.1 Critiques
1.5.2 Research grant
1.5.3 Literature review
1.5.4 Oral presentations
1.5.5 Poster session
1.5.6 Notebook, diary or blog (online diary)
1.5.7 Thesis
1.5.8 Oral viva
1.6 Summary
2. Choosing your project, hopes and expectations
2.1 When to chose your project
2.2 Hopes
2.3 Expectations
2.3.1 Refining your project
2.4 Summary
3. Planning your project
3.1 Time management
3.2 Student supervisor responsibility
3.3 Research personnel
3.4 Etiquette and survival tips
3.4.1 Supervisor meetings (journal clubs)
3.4.2 Notebook or blog
3.4.3 Hours and requesting equipment
3.5 Staying alive and not being sent to prison (safety and ethics)
3.7 Plagiarism and academic offences
3.8 Summary
4. Critiquing existing research
4.1 Choosing a paper to review
4.2 Writing the critique
4.3 Critiquing a research grant
5. Experimental design
5.1 Planning the experiment
5.2 Controls
5.3 Performance, feedback, revision
5.4 Summary
6. The scientific poster presentation
7. The scientific oral presentation
7.1 Constructing the presentation
7.2 Navigating the session
7.3 Viva Voce
7.4 Summary
8. The thesis and scientifi c writing
8.1 Preparation
8.2 The thesis sections in more detail
8.2.1 Title
8.2.2 Dedication
8.2.3 Acknowledgements
8.2.4 Authorship
8.2.5 Abstract
8.2.6 Contents
8.2.7 Introduction
8.2.8 Materials and methods
8.2.9 Results
8.2.10 Conclusion
8.2.11 References
8.2.12 Appendices
8.2.13 Assessment Scheme
8.3 Summary
9. Summary

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